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25 min Abhyanga Self Massage + Restorative w/ Tamika

Abhyangha self massage has been shown to increase circulation and to inspire deep self care. Give yourself some healing touch, then put your legs up to rest deeply.

– oil for self massage
– large towel that you don’t mind getting oily; you might need more than one
– props: chair or sofa, 2 blocks, bolster, blanket, pillows as desired
Choose your oil based on your current state of balance, your Ayurvedic constitution, or your environment.

Oil options:
-vata (or if you’re feeling nervous, anxious, cold): sesame, ashwagandha, mahanarayan, ghee; heat oil and ensure that you wrap up to remain warm

– pitta (or if you’re busy, hot, or need to relax): bhringaraj, brahmi, neem; only heat lightly

– kapha (or if you’re feeling lethargic or static): sesame, almond, corn; heat & use less oil and apply with faster strokes

Coconut oil can be substituted if you don’t have the above oils

This practice is for all levels. Set the mood by lighting candles or preparing a bath for after your practice. Put on music that soothes your spirit.