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Intro to Mindful Backbends: Create Space and Stability in Wheel Pose with Ashley

Learn the essential teachings of Wheel Pose, also known as Urdvha Dhanurasana, and develop a solid foundation for your backbend practice. In this yoga series, Ashley teaches specific aspects of back-bending that release tension in the hips, engage the core, open the chest, lengthen the spine, and stabilize the shoulders. Backbends offer many benefits such as opening the upper back and entire front body, providing therapeutic effects for the spine, and can be energizing for the practitioner’s heart. These elements are essential for experiencing the positive effects of an invigorating backbend such as Wheel Pose in a sustainable and safe manner. This series focuses on safe and accessible approaches to various postures, including inversions and different types of backbends. By using techniques customized for various body types, you will learn how to achieve a sense of ease in breath and contentment in heart-opening poses.

Join Ashley on the mat and discover a feeling of elevation, openness, and expansion in Wheel Pose like never before!