5 Energizing Rituals to Conquer the Day


In the hustle and bustle of our lives it can be easy to feel disconnected and depleted, but what if I told you that the fix to help you feel more connected and energized through the day is incorporating a few rituals into your morning routine? I have found that carving time in the morning to tend to myself helps me set the energetic tone for the day, it boosts my mood and increases my overall productivity. Here are five morning rituals that help me start the day with clarity and intention, helping me feel more present and energized throughout the day, I hope they serve you!

Hydrate: Hydrating after a night’s sleep is crucial to help your body perform at an optimal level. So before reaching for that good ole cuppa joe, treat yourself to a big ole tall glass of water first thing in the morning. I love adding a little slice of lemon for an extra boost of Vitamin C and a pinch of pink Himalayan salt to replenish electrolytes. This simple but powerful ritual is going to help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day!

Breathe / Meditate: Before you reach for your phone or start to tend to your to-do list, take a few moments to pause, breathe and check in with yourself. I like to sit on the floor or on my couch, close my eyes and practice 10 rounds of Sama Vritti (Box Breathing). Implementing a short breathwork session in the morning will help you recalibrate your energy and enhance your mental clarity and focus. Check out my Pause & Breathe Breathwork Series on the YogaWorks App along with some short meditations from my colleagues to help you start your day feeling more grounded.

Journal: Carving a few minutes to put pen to paper can give you the mental clarity you need to move through your day with purpose and intention. I am a big fan of journaling, I simply start by writing down my intention for the day/how I want to feel that day. I follow this with prioritizing my to-do list so I stay focused on what I need to accomplish that day. I wrap up my journaling session by listing three things I am grateful for. This simple ritual will infuse your day with more clarity and intention, reminding you to stay aligned with how you want to feel, what you want to accomplish and what you are grateful for that day. If you are looking for a recommendation, check out grounded practice, a personal-growth and manifestation journal I published.

Stretch/ Move Your Body: Start your day by getting your body moving. Movement is known to release endorphins, the feel good hormones that can uplift your mood. Physical activity increases blood flow which will automatically make you feel energized and ready to go. I love doing a short yoga and mobility flow that resets my entire body with poses like cow & cat, forward folds and twists. Your movement session doesn’t have to be long and intense to be effective, a 20-minute yoga flow, a 15-minute BodyWorks class or even a 10-minute walk can do the trick. Find something you enjoy and have fun with it! Check out all the amazing classes we have waiting for you at YogaWorks.

Nourish/Fuel Your Body: In order to perform at an optional level and feel energized through the day you have to nourish your body. Think of food like fuel for your car (or charging your EV). Just like your car needs fuel/energy to run, so do you. Aim to eat food that will sustain your energy without crashing by making a meal that includes a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. This could be a bowl of oatmeal topped off with fruits and nuts, a protein smoothie, a breakfast bowl, or an avocado-eggs toast. Consider eating slowly and savor the moment to invite more presence into your day.

It might feel a little daunting to incorporate all these new rituals into your daily morning routine. I recommend you start by adding one or two rituals and gradually building upon them. It’s not all or nothing, find what works best for you and what fits your lifestyle. I am so excited for you and the boost of energy, the clarity and focus you are going to experience as you put these rituals to practice. Here’s to you taking time for yourself to fill up your cup!

